Auspicious, Audacious 175

Celebrating our history and the people who made it

More than one hundred of the honored 175 Emory makers of history, or their relatives, traveled to campus to join in the official celebration of Emory’s 175th anniversary on December 7.

The highlight was a special convocation open to the community, where the honorees present processed to the front of Glenn Memorial Auditorium wearing their special medallions.

“This morning is a rare occasion in American history, the celebration of an institution that has achieved the ripe old age of one hundred and seventy-five,” said President James Wagner. “Not many colleges or universities in the United States are older—fewer than a hundred, in fact.”

Wagner singled out the stories of several historic figures as examples, saying, “We celebrate these men and women because they have incarnated, have brought to manifest reality in their own flesh-and-blood lives, the qualities that we hope to impart, or to strengthen, by education in a liberal arts university.”

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