Summer 1999 Emory Magazine

Volume 75
Number 2

In Brief

Citizenship for a new millennium

The Spirit of Emory

Carlos takes the wraps off the mummies

Born Again

A Volumnious Acquisition

Emory Establishes Institute for Jewish Studies

Quote, Unquote

Commencement 1999

Who Runs Georgia?

Postcard from the Past

Back Cover
The Carlos kylix






“Quote . . .

. . . Unquote”

Lani Guinier

The experience of women and people of color is the experience of the miner’s canary. . . . The lesson of affirmative action was that the problem is in the canary, and the solution was to fix the canary. I want to move from fixing the canary to fixing the atmosphere in the mines.

—Harvard law school professor Lani Guinier, whose appointment as head of the civil rights division of the Department of Justice was withdrawn after coming under fire for her views on affirmative action and proportional representation. She delivered a keynote address at the Emory School of Law during Women’s History Month, March 2, 1999.







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