Smith discusses the relationship of violence and faith

"Our children are being sacrificed to the American cult of desire and its god of mammon," said Fred Smith, assistant director of violence and substance abuse initiatives for the Interfaith Health Program of The Carter Center. Smith spoke at "The Religion and Health Connection," sponsored by the University Chaplain's office.

"In our culture, identity is shaped by the ability to have. Cornel West talks of a `rage that boils in the soul.' These young African American boys see the dream, but have no way of achievement. They have to strike out and find release. That's what we're seeing in this meaningless violence over starter jackets. It's not really about jackets; it's an expression of people who feel trapped."

"We have created an idolatrous society," said Smith. "What is needed is faith to overcome any obstacle ... a transcendent desire to want what God desires to create an identity not in what I have but in what I can be with God at my side."

-- Nancy M. Spitler