Emory to be part of Cotton States anniversary celebration

The Graduate Institute of Liberal Arts, the African American Studies Program and the Carlos Museum will be a part of a state-wide commemoration of the anniversary of the 1895 Cotton States and International Exposition through two major events in September and October. The collaboration will yield a panel discussion on Sept. 18 and a two-part symposium for Oct. 13 and 14. Both events will take place on campus.

The panel discussion, titled "Remembering the Wizard: Booker T. Washington and the Cotton States and International Exposition," will explore Washington's role in launching the exposition and the context for his ascendancy as a major figure in American politics and letters. Moderated by Rudolph P. Byrd, director of the African American Studies Program, the panel will consist of literature and history scholars. The event is cosponsored by the Atlanta History Center.

The symposium also will include an array of scholars and will address "Race, Identity and Public Culture." The presenters will examine many of the themes presented in "Remembering the Wizard."

The commemorative events will begin with the unveiling of the Booker T. Washington marker in Piedmont Park at the site where Washington delivered his historic "Atlanta Exposition Address" at the inauguration of the exposition. Byrd has been part of a state-wide collaborative planning the celebration and wrote the proposal for the Washington marker which was approved by the Georgia Department of Natural Resources.

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