Voices of Emory

If your car is parked illegally at Emory would you rather be booted or towed?

Melvin Carlton
Trades Worker
Service Shop I

"I'd rather be booted because at least I could get to my car and I could pay the fine and go on about my business. It would cost me more money if I had to go to them."

Rourke Miller
Part -time Lecturer

"I'd rather be booted. I don't know how to go about getting to the towing place. This is a little easier way for people in a fix to get out of it."

Osborne Pinto
Accounting Clerk
Human Resources

"Booted, so that my car will be in one place. I will know where to find it. You're going to pay a fine either way. At least I know where my car is and I don't have to take a cab or ask a friend for a ride."

Tracy Rollins
Graduate Student

"I'd rather be booted. You don't have to go search for your own car."

Julie Braddan
Elementary Education

"Booted. Because it's inconvenient to get a ride to go get your car."

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