Has the O.J. Simpson trial affected your opinion of the judicial system?

Joyce Drake
White Hall
"No. I think they're being fair and they're gathering information as necessary."

George McElreath
Political Science
"No, because I think it's like an exception rather than the rule. I don't think most cases go on that long and most juries don't go on field trips. I think it has to do with the fact that money can buy the best lawyers."

Jeff Payne
Former student
visiting campus
"Yes, definitely. I have more of a negative view of our legal system. He has some high-priced attorneys who think they can win anything. I think our system can be bought and sold."

Leslie Holloway
Arts and Sciences Development
"I haven't paid a whole lot of attention to it because I think the whole thing's a travesty. They've ignored the fact that Ronald Goldman has been murdered. That has been an embarassment. The trial should be in another country because I don't think there could be a fair trial here. He's too famous."

Pat Richardson
Administrative Assistant
Office of Kenan Professor
"It only makes me have less faith in our judicial system. The whole trial is a joke. It'll be a hung jury or a mistrial, if we still have a jury."