Tips for children's dental health

Although adult dentistry has historically received more attention than children's dentistry, today's parents demand a higher level of care for their children's dental health than previous generations. Below are some tips for good dental health for children.

Do you know what type of decay can cause severe decay in a young child in just a few months and how to prevent it?

Nursing bottle decay is a rapidly developing form of decay that occurs when a child is put to bed with a bottle that contains milk, juice, Coca-Cola or some form of sugar. It only takes a few months for this type of decay to cause extensive, sometimes irreparable damage to a child's primary teeth. It can be present in children as young as 12 months. Nursing bottle decay is entirely preventable. To prevent nursing bottle decay: (1) Don't put your child to bed with a bottle that contains anything except water. (2) If your child drinks prior to bedtime, brush your child's teeth or use a washcloth prior to your child going to sleep.

What item in everyone's home can stain a child's permanent teeth?

Fluoride toothpaste contains about 1,000 times the fluoride found in fluoridated water. It is not intended to be swallowed. The problem is that children under 6 years old, even though they may not intend to, will swallow a significant amount of toothpaste. Excessive swallowed toothpaste prior to age 7 (when the permanent teeth are still developing) can lead to stained permanent teeth. Should your child stop using fluoride toothpaste? No, because the benefits of fluoride toothpaste are substantial. But the amount of toothpaste used each time, unless you own stock in the company, should be no larger than a very small pea.

What can prevent virtually all decay that occurs on the biting surfaces of back teeth?

The biting surfaces of back teeth are the most common areas to decay. A sealant is a plastic material that can be "painted" on these surfaces to prevent decay from developing. Applying sealants is completely comfortable and quick. There are two keys to sealants: they must be applied before decay is present (after a cavity has developed, it's too late) and they must be checked regularly.

Do you know what preventive dental technique is by far the most effective over all others?

Fluoridated water beats all other preventive techniques available. Drinking fluoridated water from birth to age 10 will, in the average individual, reduce decay by 50 percent for life. Make sure your child has access to fluoridated water.

When can children take care of their own teeth?

Studies show that children lack the manual dexterity to brush their own teeth effectively until about age 6. They can floss at about age 8. So start caring for those teeth as soon as the first one comes in.

George MacMaster is a pediatric dentist in Alpharetta.

The publication of the Wellness column is coordinated through the Seretean Center for Health Promotion.

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