What do you think about the postage rate increase?

Eric Guthey
Graduate Student
Institute of Liberal Arts
"I think it's fine. This whole complaint about how inefficient big government is makes me ill. Privatization is not the answer to mail delivery or to any other problems (health care, education, etc.) I say raise postal rates, especially on bulk mailings by corporations and junk mail advertising. And raise taxes on corporations and the rich too."

Chris Wilson
Graduate Student
Microbiology and Molecular Genetics
"It would be okay except that the postal service has a monopoly and they fall in the red every year. We end up paying for it twice through our tax dollars and through the rate increase."

Melissa Kelley
"I don't think it's a big deal considering we haven't had one in so many years. It used to be that we had one every year."

Kathy Park
Political Science
"Who likes a rate increase in anything? First of all, it's a pain to pay such a random amount such as 32 cents. Twenty-five cents was so convenient. Secondly, is there a good reason for the increase--didn't we just have one?"

John Riley
Admissions Assistant
School of Public Health
"I usually only use a stamp when I'm paying bills. If I actually wrote any of my friends or family, it might make a difference."

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