Employees complete degree programs

Fifty-seven employees completed their degrees at Emory through the Courtesy Scholarship Program in 1994-95. The Courtesy Scholar-ship Program allows faculty and staff, as well as their spouses and children, to pursue degrees at Emory tuition-free. Employees completing their degrees this year include:

Judith Acuff, BSN

School of Medicine

Marcy Alexander, BA

Office of the Provost

Jody Amazon-Leece, MN

Emory Hospital

Shelly Anderson, MPH

Emory Hospital

Ruth Broniec, MN

Emory Hospital

Delcina Brown, MN

Emory Hospital

Rose Cannon, PhD

School of Nursing

Scott Connolly, MPH

Information Technology


Tommy Cutts, BA

Facilities Management

Orlando Davenport, CRU

Emory Hospital

Mary Dell, MT

School of Medicine

Karolyn Diamond, MPH

Crawford Long Hospital

Marilyn Dickerson, MPH

Emory Hospital

Paulette Dilworth, MA

Equal Opportunity Programs

Martha Dorsey, MN

Emory Hospital

Arlys Evans, MA

Emory College, Art History

Matthew Foltz, MPT

Emory Hospital

Suzanne Fox, MPT

Emory Hospital

Lisa Freschi, MPH

Emory Hospital

Mary Germann, MN

Emory Hospital

Elaine Gorman, MN

Emory Hospital

Barbara Hanevold, PhD

Emory Hospital

Maria Hanik, MN

Emory Hospital

Virginia Hardison, MPH

School of Medicine

Amelia Haselden, MMS

Emory Hospital

James Herndon, MPH

Yerkes Primate Research Center

Teresa Jenkins-McCord, MN

Emory Hospital

Marcy Johnson, MN

Emory Hospital

Susan Kim, MN

Emory Hospital

Joyce King, PhD

School of Nursing

Karen C. Lash, MN

Crawford Long Hospital

Carolyn Lawrence, MN

Emory Hospital

Donna Leef, MMS

School of Medicine

Anita Roberts-Lindsey, BSN

Crawford Long Hospital

Eloise Lowe, CRU

Emory Hospital

Adrian Luyk, MPT

Emory Hospital

James Morgan, MN

Crawford Long Hospital

Stephanie Morin, BA

Emory Hospital

Sallie Mykel, BSN

Health Sciences Center Library

Terri Olson, MN

Emory Hospital

Barbara Patterson, PhD

University Chaplain's Office

Natalie Perry, MN/MPH

Emory Hospital

Laura Rizzo, MN

Emory Hospital

Margarita Sargent, MN

Emory Hospital

Shailesh Sharma, BSN

School of Medicine

Donna Smith, BSN

Emory Hospital

Judith Smith, MN

Emory Hospital

John Soucie, PhD

School of Medicine

Sharon Swain, MN

Emory Hospital

John Upshaw, CRU

Emory Hospital

Brigitte Vasvary, BSN

Emory Hospital

Samantha Wellbrock-Renfro, BA

Business School

Amy Wheeler, BA

School of Law

Sarah Wilcox, MPH

Yerkes Primate Research Center

Rebecca Williams, MN

Crawford Long Hospital

Patricka Wood, MPH

Crawford Long Hospital

Catharine Youmans, MN/MPH

Crawford Long Hospital

This listing is based on information provided by the Registrar's Office and verified by Human Resources. Due to final exam results and last-minute changes in degree-candidate status after Emory Report's press deadline, this list may contain some inaccuracies. Any employee who graduated through the Courtesy Scholarship program but was not included on this list may contact the Emory Report staff at 727-6216.