What are your plans after graduation?

Andrea Salzman
International Studies
"I'm going back home to Los Angeles for some TLC from my family. I'm looking to get involved with the entertainment industry."

Vijay Viswanathan
"Basically, I'm going to get a job doing something humanitarian, and I'm going to strengthen my credentials for reapplying to medical school. That's basically it."

Kerin McGlame
"I am planning on pursuing a career in physical therapy. I have applied to master's programs and am waiting to hear from several. Next year, I hope to work as a physical therapy aide in an outpatient orthopaedic clinics which will give me good `hands on' experience and will reconfirm in my mind that physical therapy is what I want to do."

Davina Lopez
"I'll be entering a Master of Arts/Master of Theological Studies degree program with Union Theological Seminary and Columbia University in New York. My area of focus will be ethics in 20th century American higher education."

Erin O'Briant
"I am moving to San Francisco to become the most important lesbian in the United States."