In Brief

Wesley Woods, Emory offer depression screenings

Wesley Woods Geriatric Center, Emory Hospital and the Emory Clinic Department of Psychiatry will offer free depression screenings on Thursday, Oct. 5, as part of the fifth annual National Depression Screening Day.

The screenings will be offered from 10 a.m.- 7 p.m. on the third floor of the Wesley Woods Health Center. The screenings are open to adolescents and adults of all ages, and no appointments are necessary.

Participants will complete a written screening test of depression symptoms and will be interviewed by a mental health professional. Psychiatrists, nurses and social workers will be available for consultation. For information, call 728-6222.

Tickets available for Latin American film festival

Latin American and Caribbean Studies and the High Museum of Art are sponsoring a Latin American Film Festival, which begins Oct. 7 and runs through Nov. 19. All movies are in Spanish or Portuguese with English subtitles. General admission is $5; $4.50 for students and senior citizens. However, LACS is selling season passes (limited number available) for the film series at $20. They may be purchased at the LACS office (116 Social Sciences) or the Spanish Dept. (501 Humanities).

Films will be shown at the High Museum of Art, Rich Auditorium, 1280 Peachtree Street NE, or AMC Phipps Plaza 14, 3500 Peachtree Road. For more information, call 727-6562 or 733-4570.

Britannica Online now available

Emory students, faculty and staff now have 24-hour access to Britannica Online, an electronic version of the Encyclopedia Britannica and Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary, which is more up-to-date and inclusive than the printed encyclopedia. Britannica Online contains 1,000 more articles than the print version, some 200 "classics" such as Albert Einstein's essay on "Space-Time," which have been superseded, and, using hypertext, more than 1,000 links to other Internet resources worldwide.

Britannica Online is available to Emory students, faculty and staff directly ( as well as through the World Wide Web pages of each of the libraries on campus: General Libraries (, Health Sciences Center Library ( WHSCL/resource.discovery.html), Law Library (http://www., Oxford College Library ( library.html) and Pitts Theology Library (http://www.pitts.