New column to address technology services

Computing Resource Services in the Information Technology Division is largely concerned with making the human-to-computer relationship easier. In that vein, we have been asked to publish a monthly technology column in Emory Report. Many of the articles will be written for people who are just beginning to use computers. We hope you find this information useful.

Computer Accounts (Dooley/Eagle) -- Can I have one and what can I do with it?

With a Dooley/Eagle account you are part of the Internet community. You can send e- mail, surf the Web, ftp and read newsgroups. This is the short answer to the question. If you understand that answer, you probably already have an account and are using it. If that sounds like techno-babble, then read on.

If you are faculty, staff or student at Emory, you are eligible for a Dooley or Eagle account. An Eagle account provides you with tools to: send and receive short notes to other members of the Internet community; read the documents that are published on the World Wide Web; send or receive files of data from one computer to another; connect to other computers on which you may have an account; and read and post notes in a bulletin board format. A Dooley account provides you with those services, as well as the ability to compile programs and run statistical packages.

Eagle and Dooley accounts are not the only way to access these services. The schools of business, law, nursing and public health, as well as some individual departments, provide their own accounts and e- mail services. Check with other members of your community to see what they are using, then choose what works best for you. You can always change your mind and make another choice.

There are several ways to obtain a Dooley/Eagle account. Emory faculty and staff members must fill out an Eagle service form, which are available from the Office of Business and Finance at 727-7658 or the Helpdesk at 727-3822. Forms are also available at the Computing Information Center in the Cox Hall Computing Lab. The form is also available on the Emory Web ( Once the Eagle form is processed, you will receive your user ID and password through interoffice mail.

If you are a currently registered student, you already have an account. To get your user ID and password (i.e., to activate your account), you must go to the Computing Lab in Cox Hall, where a computer is set up to run account activation. Enter your student ID number to complete account activation. Once you have provided the necessary information, you will be issued a user ID and password. Write it down exactly as it appears on the screen.

You should change your password the first time you log on. Choose a password that you will remember, but one that isn't easy for someone else to guess. Here are some good rules to follow when choosing a password:

* Make your password easy to remember.
* Don't write your password down anywhere, in any recognizable form.
* Never tell anyone your password.
* Change your password often.
* Choose a password that's hard for others to guess.

If you have any questions about obtaining an Eagle/Dooley account, contact the Office of Business and Finance at 727-7658. To learn to use your account, you can take the free Eagle Services Orientation Workshop through the Short Course Program. Register by calling 727-4868.

There are two points to remember if you are just getting started: 1) you are eligible for a Dooley/Eagle account, and 2) once upon a time everyone started right where you are -- at the beginning.

Karla Fields is a computing support specialist.

If you have a topic you would like us to address, please forward it to Susan Mistretta, Computing Resources Services, ITD (e-mail: