Did you get tickets to see the Dalai Lama?

Michael Kisicki
"No, because the advertising policy of the University neglected my consciousness."

Bayard Bell
"The four tickets for one ID and 8 a.m. release time before school started made it highly unlikely that I would get a ticket when I finally woke up."

Smitha Rao
"I got tickets because somebody from off-campus needed some. I got them for him and I got one for myself. I know he's a great man with a Nobel prize and so I figured if we get the opportunity to see him we should take it."

Paul Lennard
Associate Professor
"No, but I would've gone if I lived on campus and could get up at 4 a.m. and get in line."

Bridget Guernsey
Director of Student Activities
Campus Life
"It's rather busy this time of year, but I have about 10 people who wish I'd gotten tickets."