President's Commission on Lesbian/Gay/Bisexual Concerns

At its first meeting as a presidential commission on Sept. 11, the President's Commission on Lesbian/Gay/Bisexual Concerns (PCLGB) recognized the work of its predecessor and considered new issues it will address in the coming year.

PCLGB Co-chairs Bill Baird of Oxford College and Saralyn Chesnut of the Office of Lesbian/Gay/Bisexual Life acknowledged the accomplishment of two primary goals of the commission's forerunner, the President's Committee on Lesbian/Gay/Bisexual Concerns. Those include the creation of the PCLGB and the recent adoption of health insurance and other benefits for same sex domestic partners of employees. The commission approved a motion by Chesnut to draft a letter to President Bill Chace "expressing our appreciation for his actions and support" in the University's adoption of domestic partnership benefits.

Issues the commission plans to address this year include: advocating for the addition of a Lesbian/Gay/Bisexual Studies Program to the curriculum; studying the feasibility of adopting domestic partnership benefits for the partners of students (the current program covers employees only); and examining the staffing needs of the Office of Lesbian/Gay/Bisexual Life. Currently Chesnut is the only full-time staff member; she is assisted by several work-study students.

Judith Rohrer of the art history department suggested that the commission conduct some kind of research, possibly a survey, into what ideas Emory community members have regarding the commission's role and work.

The PCLGB normally will meet the second Tuesday of each month at 4 p.m. during the academic year. The next meeting, however, will be held on Oct. 2 due to fall break the following week.

--Dan Treadaway