Lay Theology Institute courses address range of religious concerns

Courses ranging from "Prayer and Human Emotion" to in-depth studies of Matthew's Gospel are available to faculty, staff and students through the 1995-96 Lay Theology Institute, a selection of night courses taught by faculty of the School of Theology at churches throughout metro Atlanta.

The fall schedule begins Sept. 12 with "Prayer and Human Emotion," a study of specific forms of prayer in relation to human emotions such as gratitude, fear, anger, grief, love and joyful hope. Don E. Saliers, professor of theology and worship and an ordained Methodist minister, will teach the course at Northside Drive Baptist Church.

Other six-week courses offered through the institute include:

* Oct. 24-Nov. 28 --"Time, Space and Circumstance: Dimensions of the Christian Life," offered at The Episcopal Church of the Epiphany, taught by Thomas E. Frank, associate professor of church administration and congregational life;

* Jan. 9-Feb. 13 --"The Book of Job," offered at Smoke Rise Baptist Church, taught by Carol A. Newsom, professor of Old Testament;

* Feb. 20-March 26 - "The Gospel of Matthew," offered at the Tucker branch of the Reorganized Church, taught by Arthur Wainwright, professor of New Testament Emeritus; and

* April 2-May 7 --"The Legacy of Dietrich Bonhoeffer," offered at Peachtree Road United Methodist Church, taught by Manfred Hoffman, professor of historical theology.

Also scheduled Sept. 15-16 is a two-night introductory course on the Enneagram, a modern development of an ancient perspective on personality formation. The course will be taught at Emory by Richard Bondi, assistant professor of Christian ethics at Emory and a pastoral counselor in the Georgia Baptist Health Care System.

The institute also includes an advanced seminar on Karl Barth's book, The Epistle to the Romans, arguably a masterpiece of 20th century theological literature. The course runs Jan. 22-Feb. 26 and will be taught at Cannon Chapel by David S. Pacini, associate professor of historical theology.

For registration information on the Lay Theology Institute, call the Office of Extension Programs at 727-6347.

-- Elaine Justice