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The second generation of Eagle Services

Emory made the decision in 1993 that members of the community were entitled to a minimal set of computer services including things such as electronic mail and access to Internet resources. The way to access these "Eagle Services" (by connecting to the Unix system and using a character-based menu) was based on the common technology available at the time. In the last three years, great strides have been made, and now it is time to roll out the second generation of Eagle Services -- the Eagle Services Client Set, which provides a friendlier front-end to the same services.

What comprises Eagle Services?

The basic set of services now includes:

* an electronic mail account on Emory's UNIX cluster (the Dooley/Eagle cluster)

* access to the World Wide Web

* access to UseNet newsgroups

* access to EUCLID (Emory's On-Line Library Catalog)

* ability to transfer files from one computer to another (FTP)

* access to the on-line campus directory

* access to an individual's accounts on the IBM mainframe (FAS, HR, etc.)

* a LearnLink account

* a PPP account that can be used to connect to Eagle Services over a modem

Who is eligible for Eagle Services?

To quote from the original announcement: "Any faculty member, currently enrolled student, or staff member of Emory University may obtain a free account to access Eagle Services. At this time, free accounts are not available to University alumni, the staff of Emory Hospital, Crawford Long Hospital, or the affiliates of the University or hospitals."

If you are a currently enrolled student at Emory, you are automatically given an Eagle Services account, which can then be activated at the Cox Hall Computer Lab or various locations in the professional schools. If you are a currently employed faculty or staff member, you must fill out an Eagle Services Account Request Form. These are available on-line via the World Wide Web, but may also be picked up at Computing Resource Services in 230 Cox Hall.

What is the second generation of Eagle Services?

The original Eagle Services offering was accessed by logging on to the Unix cluster and using a character-based menu. Times have changed. Now more than 95 percent of Emory's offices are connected to the campus network and the Internet by an ethernet connection. If you are in an ethernet-connected office, you will want the set of easy-to-use, graphical "clients" to access Eagle Services. For your computer to run these clients, you need a Macintosh running System 7.5, or an Intel-based computer running Windows 3.1 or Windows 95. The Eagle Services client suite will be available from ITD's Software Distribution Center no later than Feb. 15.

If you want to use Eagle Services at home and your home computer meets these operating system requirements, you will use your PPP account and freely available PPP software along with the Eagle Services client suite. Eagle Services for PPP will be available by the end of March.

If you are not ethernet-connected and have an older computer at work, or if you have an older computer at home, you can access text-only versions of Eagle Services via the Eagle Services Menu on the Dooley/Eagle cluster. You may obtain software to run your modem from ITD's Software Distribution Center.

Where can I find more information?

If you have additional questions about Eagle Services, call ITD's Computing Information Center at 727-5250. Free training is offered each week by ITD's Instructional Group.

Related World Wide Web pages

Complete Guide to Eagle Services:

Computing Information Center:

Software Distribution Center:

Marisa Johnson is indirect computer support coordinator in ITD's Computing Resource Services. Re

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