What are your plans for the summer?

Athena Perez
"I think I'm going to Johns Hopkins for nursing school and I'll be starting in the summer."

Mary Lynn Sheram
"I'm planning, tentatively, to go to Australia to do some scuba diving. It's a graduation present. If these plans fall through, I'll be working in a research lab."

Leslie Lipscomb
Second Year Graduate Student
School of Public Health
"Get out of town for the Olympics. I'm going to Gainesville, Georgia. It's where I'm from. I'm with a CPR project with the School of Public Health and the medical school and there's a possibility of working with the Olympics. If not, I'll be in Gainesville."

Erin Schwartz
"I'm going on the British Studies Program at Oxford University. I'm also writing for the Jewish News in Detroit."

Michael Farry
Spanish, Psychology
"I plan to be a responsible toy man. I'll be selling lots of stuffed animals, trains and race car tracks. All in all, with my plans to do some hiking, I should be a relaxed, happy camper."

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