Voices of Emory

Will negative campaign advertising affect your vote in the presidential elections?

Vivian Prevo
Pathology, Emory Hospital
"No, it won't affect my vote. I feel each candidate's history should speak for itself. I go by who I feel will be the best candidate and who will help out the people of America."

Tim Beach-Verhey
Student, Graduate
Division of Religion
"It will only affect my vote in the sense that I will have less sympathy for the candidates who use negative advertising. But there should be a distinction between negative advertising and advertising that actually draws a distinction between the policies of the candidates."

Carolyn Whatley
Facilities Management
"No, it won't affect my vote. Each party has something negative to say about the other. It's up to the individuals to make good choices."

Elizabeth Luk
Junior, History
"No. It's all propaganda. I don't let that bother me. I listen more to what they actually say and how they feel, rather than the propaganda. It might affect the way other people vote, but it's not something that I pay attention to."

Gwen Atwater
Facilities Management
"Normally I don't really pay too much attention to what's on television. It's all sales hype. I base my decision on the person's track record and the things he has done to impact issues that pertain to me."

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