Emory Report

 August 4, 1997

 Volume 49, No. 36

Issues in Progress:

Employee Council

Bob Haskall, associate vice president of facilities management, updated council members on recent changes in his department. He explained the new zone system and various mentoring and training programs, as well as incentive programs that will improve service.

Following the Facilities Management update, the council held replacement elections to fill several vacancies. Members elected to fill the vacancies were:

Special issues committee

The committee discussed the follow-up on the United Way letter. A meeting had been scheduled with Bob Etheridge, President Chace, Bill Horne and Michelle Smith to discuss the letter.

The committee was asked to look at the feasability of establishing a K-12 school on campus. Ron Foust suggested members question their constituencies to find out if there was any interest before looking into the matter.

Concern about disability leave was again discussed. Key issues include using sick leave to supplement disability leave, banking sick leave for other employees in need and rewarding employees who use little or no sick leave.

The committee also heard the concerns of some Oxford employees who are unable to take advantage of the new Blomeyer facility. The committee said it would look into possible options.

Membership committee

The committee continued working on updating the Employee Council pamphlet. Distribution of council representation was discussed and the committee decided to leave current vacanies empty until fair representation is verified.

Members discussed hosting an Employee Council Fair, allowing representatives to meet with constituents. The committee is also looking into including the council's pamphlet in the orientation packet for new employees. The committee is also looking at ways to improve attendance at council meetings.

-Scott Barker

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