Emory Report

 November 10, 1997

 Volume 50, No. 12

Issues in Progress

President's Commission
on the Status of Minorities

The commission's Oct. 27 meeting continued discussion of Goodrich C. White Professor George Jones' suggestions regarding minority faculty, staff and student recruitment and retention that appeared in Emory Report (Aug. 25 and Sept. 2).

Members conferred about the attributes necessary in a senior-level administration official who would have authority over issues concerning minority students and faculty. Commission members and Jones still plan to meet with President Bill Chace this fall to talk about their suggestions for minority recruitment and retention.

Discussion turned to the professional development fund, formerly the travel fund. The commission plans to award 10 $500 grants to minority junior faculty who travel to conferences at which they are presenters. Recipients will be required to report back to the commission in some fashion to retain award eligibility.

-Stacey Jones

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