Emory Report

 November 17, 1997

 Volume 50, No. 13

Issues in Progress

President's Commission
on the Status of Women

At the outset of the commission's Nov. 6 meeting, Chair JoAnn McKenzie thanked the events committee members and volunteers for their work on the Nov. 5 fall event, "Steel Magnolias: A Tribute to Southern Women." Joyce Jones, event chair, recognized Victoria "Prune" Harris who did the majority of work on the event's display. Jones and Harris are now investigating possible places to remount the display. Ali Crown suggested displaying it during Women's History Month.

The PCSW's spring event, to be held April 9, will feature former Spelman College President Johnnetta Cole, who will be joining Emory's faculty next year.

In committee reports: Carol Burns reported Lynna Williams and Mary Delong agreed to serve as co-chairs of the faculty concerns committee. The committee is still looking at maternity leave issues, with discussion of broadening the focus to family leave and how both affect the tenure clock.

Melinda Keller reported the staff concerns committee has contacted a New York consultant to help design the glass ceiling study. Deb Floyd will be following up with Human Resources Vice President Alice Miller to get data for quantitative research on promotions for women at Emory.

McKenzie passed out copies of a 1996-97 progress report. She asked that members update the projects outlined there and submit changes to subcommittee chairs for the upcoming meeting with President Chace, which has been postponed until January.

She also announced the formation of a bylaws committee. Recent review of the commission's bylaws finds some outdated language and information, McKenzie said. She invited a cross-section of members to sit on the committee, and she distributed copies of the current bylaws for members to review and submit changes to the bylaws committee.

Leigh Partington, PCSW liaison to the President's Committee on Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual Concerns, reported on the equal opportunity policy, which has been the primary focus of the L/G/B committee this fall in regard to same-sex commitment ceremonies and University chapels. The PCSW agreed to pass a resolution in favor of the equal opportunity policy or at least write a letter of support, following the lead of the University Senate and the Student Government Association, whose resolutions Partington read in full.

Commission members empowered the executive committee to draft a document that drew specific attention to women's concerns surrounding this issue and the "vunerability of all rights when assumed rights have been abridged." The executive committee planned to draft the document and distribute it by Nov. 10, in time for the Nov. 13 Board of Trustees meeting that will examine this issue.

Crown announced a new writing series sponsored by the Women's Center. Its first keynote speaker will be Faye Wattleton, former Planned Parenthood president, on March 30.

-Stacey Jones

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