Emory Report

 October 13, 1997

 Volume 50, No. 8

Eye strain common with
more frequent computer use

More and more of us are entering the computer age. Our children use computers to do homework, create artwork and play video games. We find we spend at least a portion of our day working at a computer, balancing our checkbook, surfing the web. Sending e-mail has become almost as common as talking on the phone. As a consequence, millions of Americans seek help for eye problems caused by working at a computer.

"Many patients who have computer-related eye problems actually have eye fatigue," said Larry Taub, assistant professor of ophthalmology.

Although there is no scientific data suggesting that a computer monitor emits hazardous radiation, you can suffer from eye strain from extended computer use. "An anti-glare screen can be beneficial," Taub said.

To prevent annoying eye strain, take frequent breaks from the screen and relax your eyes by looking at faraway objects-reading a book is not a break, said Taub. Keep your eyes lubricated by blinking frequently or using artificial tears (not the drops that "get the red out"). Move your screen so that it does not have glare from a lamp, overhead light or window, and position it 20 to 26 inches from your eyes. Make sure you have to look slightly downward on the center of your screen, four to nine inches below your eye level.

According to Taub, you should see an ophthalmologist or optometrist if you consistently experience watery, red or dry eyes; heavy eyelids; tired or aching eyes; headaches; sensitivity to light; difficulty focusing; or double vision.

Refraction problems such as nearsightedness, farsightedness, astigmatism and presbyopia-an age-related problem caused when the lens of the eye loses flexibility and no longer can focus sharply on near objects-can contribute to computer-related ailments.

"Many patients will ask me for special computer glasses," said Taub. "Actually, you should have spectacles that best correct your particular refractive problem." This may mean single-vision lenses, bifocals, trifocals or even contact lenses. If you have presbyopia, you may benefit from no-line bifocal lenses with a wide, mid-range viewing area for computer work. Special lenses designed for computer use are made for specific distance and work-related tasks. Also, anti-reflective coatings can be incorporated into lenses to reduce glare.

When going for an exam, it also can help your practitioner decide what kind of eyewear you may need if you can describe your workstation, how you use your computer, how far your eyes are from the monitor and what kind of lighting you have.

-Lee Jenkins

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