Emory Report

 September 8, 1997

 Volume 50, No. 3

References for further reading

The following resources were helpful to the commission in its work. For copies of unpublished materials, contact the Office of Institutional Planning and Research, 108 Administration Building, Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia 30322. Phone: 404/727-0765.

Benowitz, Stephen. 1995. Wave of the Future: Interdisciplinary Collaborations. The Scientist 9.13: passim.

Blackburn, Robert T., and Janet H. Lawrence. 1995. Faculty at Work: Motivation, Expectation, Satisfaction. Baltimore MD: The Johns Hopkins University Press.

Blackburn, Robert T., et al. 1991. Faculty at Work: Focus on Research, Scholarship, and Service. Research in Higher Education 32:4: 385­413.

Bok, Derek. The Improvement of Teaching. 1991. Teachers College Record 93:2:236­51.

Boyer, Ernest L. 1990. Scholarship Reconsidered: Priorities of the Professoriate. Princeton NJ: Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching.

Brand, Myles. 1995. The Wise Use of Technology. Educational Record 76:4:39­45.

Brown, John Seely, and Paul Duguid. 1995. Universities in the Digital Age. Xerox Palo Alto Research Paper. Palo Alto CA.

Burgan, Mary. 1995. Considering Tenure: Keep the Teacher at the Heart of Education/It's Not Holy Writ: Can We Talk? Educational Record 76:4:34­37.

Cole, Jonathan R. 1993. Balancing Acts: Dilemmas of Choice Facing Research Universities. Daedalus 122:4:1­36.

Dooris, Michael J., and James S. Fairweather. 1994. Structure and Culture in Faculty Work: Implications for Technology Transfer. Review of Higher Education 17:2:161­77.

Duke, Marshall P. 1997. The Fall of Mann. Emory Report, Febuary 24, p. 6.

Edgerton, Russell, Patricia Hutchings, and Kathleen Quinlan. 1991. The Teaching Portfolio: Capturing the Scholarship in Teaching. AAHE's Teaching Initiative. Washington: American Association for Higher Education.

Edgerton, Russell. 1997. Evaluating Teaching as Scholarly Work. Academic Affairs Symposium. University of Georgia, Athens GA.

Edwards, David A., et al. 1993. Report on the Quality of Teaching in Emory College. Prepared by the Ad Hoc Committee on the Quality of Teaching in the College. Emory University. Atlanta GA.

Fairweather, James S. 1993. Academic Values and Faculty Rewards. Review of Higher Education 17:1:43­68.

Frost, Susan H. 1996. Integrating Undergraduate Liberal and Professional Education; Review of Research by Stark, et al. Memo to Billy Frye. IPR document 95092. Emory University, Atlanta GA.

Frost, Susan H., and Harriet King. 1996. Summary of Faculty Conversations. IPR document 96061 Office of Institutional Planning and Research, Emory University, Atlanta GA.

Hutchings, Pat. 1996. Making Teaching Community Property. Preface by Russell Edgerton. Washington: American Association for Higher Education.

Irvine, Jacqueline. 1996. Conversations on Teaching. Interview by Jodi Cressman. Emory Report, September 30, p. 7.

Keig, L., and M. D. Waggoner. 1994. Collaborative Peer Review: The Role of Faculty in Improving College Teaching. ASHE-ERIC Higher Education Report No. 2. Washington: George Washington University.

Lanham, Richard A. 1993. A Computer-based Harvard Red Book: General Education in the Digital Age. Gateways to Knowledge Conference, Harvard College Library, Cambridge MA.

Light, Richard J. 1994. Explorations with Students and Faculty about Teaching, Learning, and Student Life. In Assessment and Program Evaluation: ASHE Reader Series, ed. J. S. Stark and A. Thomas, 789­96. Needham Heights MA: Simon and Schuster.

Malik, David J. 1996. Peer Review of Teaching: External Review of Course Content. Innovative Higher Education 20:4:277­86.

Mann, Kristin. 1997. Letter to the University Commission on Teaching, Emory University, Atlanta GA.

Massy, William F., and Andrea K. Wilger. 1995. Improving Productivity: What Faculty Think About It-and Its Effect on Quality. Change 29:4:10­20.

Report of the Committee on Teaching. 1996. Rollins School of Public Health, Emory University, Atlanta GA.

Rice, R. Eugene. 1996. Making a Place for the New American Scholar. Working Paper Series, Inquiry #1. Washington: American Association for Higher Education.

Schuster, Jack H. 1995. Speculating about the Labor Market for Academic Humanists: "Once More unto the Breach." Profession 95:56­61.

Shulman, Lee S., et al. 1995. Toward Excellence in Teaching at Stanford: Final Report of the C-AAA Sub-Committee on the Evaluation and Improvement of Teaching. Stanford University, Palo Alto CA.

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