Emory Report

August 3, 1998

 Volume 50, No. 36

Issues in Progress

Employee Council

Council President Ron Foust opened the meeting July 15 by introducing Yvonne Hodge of the Emory Well House, who invited all council members to participate in the School of Nursing's health risk appraisal program. Hodge first complimented the council for its efforts and support of the July 13 blood drive, saying the Red Cross collected 39 pints of blood and plans to raise its goal to 60 pints for the Aug. 10 blood drive.

Hodge then distributed health risk appraisal forms, and the council adjourned briefly to allow members to complete the questionnaire and have their blood pressure taken. Madge Donnellan, a professor in the nursing school, will present the results at the August meeting.

After approval of June minutes, Foust introduced Lisa Simpson, director of Volunteer Emory. Simpson explained the history of Volunteer Emory, how the program works and what volunteer opportunities are available for Emory employees.

The council then broke into committee meetings.

Communications committee

The committee began by echoing Hodge's thanks to everyone for participating in the July blood drive. Foust extended apologies on behalf of the entire council to those people who came to donate blood but had to leave because of the long wait. He promised more Red Cross staff will be on hand at the August blood drive. The committee also reviewed expenses for the July 29 Employee Town Hall with President Bill Chace.

Membership committee

Susan Maxwell is working on a brochure to advertise the council to prospective new members. Foust stressed the need for a new-member orientation packet.

Special issues committee

Jeremy Berry said he will deliver at the August meeting his report on benefits for Emory employees under the age of 26. The council also decided to look into why some managers and/or department heads are reluctant to allow employees to telecommute or work flex-time during the summer.

--Michael Terrazas

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