Emory Report

December 7, 1998

 Volume 51, No. 14

Issues in Progress

University Senate

To begin the meeting Nov. 24 in Gambrell Hall, President Virgil Brown introduced President Bill Chace, who first brought the Senate up to date on the Emory Village issue. Though he was not able to discuss particulars, he said the Kroger store was soon to close (as happened Nov. 28), a CVS store is due to open in spring, and DeKalb Co. Commissioner Gale Waldorff has pledged to help make improvements to the perilous intersection by the village. Chace also announced the opening of Druid Hills Books, Emory's own academic bookstore. A discussion ensued concerning the implementation of the Campus Master Plan, and Senate members expressed a desire to have a presentation at the January meeting briefing them on planned construction.

Sid Stein of the benefits committee introduced a request from the Employee Council to reexamine the rule that Emory does not match contributions to retirement funds for employees under the age of 26. Stein said more study would be needed to determine if cutting the minimum age for matching contributions is feasible. He added that Emory is revamping its EmoryCare package, with the hope of having a new plan in place by January 2000. The University will be dropping Prudential as a health insurance provider, but the company will be invited to bid for the new plan.

Bill Size of the committee on the environment (COE) expressed concerns that new building projects are being pushed through too quickly for his committee to adequately perform the tasks with which it is charged, but he also said plans for the Physical Science-Phase I and the Performing Arts Center, which COE recently reviewed, were excellent and addressed all previous concerns. Size also praised the new Capital Project Development Process recently formalized by Facilities Management; the only change he would like to see is the addition of an aggregate, campuswide environmental impact review process linked to the master plan itself. Chace said that he hoped the new development process along with the master plan would put an end to "local interests" at Emory pushing through their own construction projects.

Harriet King advised the Senate on the search for a new Information Technology vice-provost (see news brief on p. 2). She also announced the creation of a newsletter, "Academic Exchange," by the provost's office, with the intention of promoting dialogue among faculty concerning issues important to them. Allison Adams will edit the new publication.

--Michael Terrazas

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