Emory Report

October 26, 1998

 Volume 51, No. 9

Shulman takes a shot at another book for kids with The Germ Patrol

Neil Shulman, associate professor in the School of Medicine since 1981, has never been content with restricting himself to research and clinical work in his twin specialties of hypertension and nephrology. He's also been a consultant to the Georgia Department of Human Resources, helping to establish rural and inner city community health clinics, and medical director of Pine Knoll Nursing Home in Carrollton, Ga.

For many years Shulman also has performed humorous educational programs for children across the country. He's acted in educational videos and was associate producer for "Doc Hollywood," the 1991 film based on his novel What? Dead Again? He even has a web site at <www.dochollywood.com>.

Shulman's works of fiction and nonfiction address these topics and more.

His latest book, The Germ Patrol, co-authored with physician Todd Stolp and writer Robin Voss, is "all about shots for tots ... and big kids, too." The 35-page paperback, published by Shulman's Rx Humor press, was produced in partnership with Scottish Rite Children's Medical Center and the Georgia Immunization Program.

State officials asked Shulman to write the book because they liked What's in a Doctor's Bag?, his other children's book. Scottish Rite is distributing The Germ Patrol to schools, libraries, doctors' offices and clinics.

The book takes the shape of a patrol van, and its cover features a smiling blue-uniformed officer cruising his beat with three criminal characters-viruses-locked up in back. Inside is a rhyming story about Trudy, a little girl terrified of shots. Stolp illustrated the text with comic cartoon characters-a grandmother, a nurse and Trudy's family-who teach Trudy why immunization is important.

The book includes a helpful message to parents as a postscript, with tips on how to keep up with immunizations and provide comfort to children after their shots. Shulman admits children are his favorite audience-up to a point. "I really like working with kids before they reach puberty. Before puberty, the human race is wonderful," he joked.

Current projects include a children's video based on What's in a Doctor's Bag?, and Shulman said he'd like to develop other books for kids-one that helps them understand cancer and asthma, another to explain what scientists do, and another to teach respect for different cultures and the environment.

--Cathy Byrd

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