Emory Report

April 12, 1999

 Volume 51, No. 27

Woodruff Library resources:

Woodruff Library's recall policy puts the missing book in your hands

For a student or professor, nothing is more frustrating than finding out that books you vitally need for your research are checked out. Did you know that Woodruff Library patrons have been recalling books for over 10 years? However, many patrons remain frustrated because often even when a book is recalled, the person who has it does not return it. To help all our patrons understand the purpose of the library's recall policy and how it benefits the whole community, Woodruff Library has kicked off a monthlong campaign promoting recalls.

Why a promotion?

Running until April 18, the promotion emphasizes that, with more than 30,000 patrons, the library needs to keep its entire collection of books as available to its users as possible. Although the library does purchase multiple copies of books when we anticipate heavy demand, we cannot purchase extra copies of every book that two patrons may want at the same time. Thus, ensuring that all patrons have equal access to our books requires that patrons share books with one another.

How do recalls work?

What this means is that when you check out a book, you may keep it until the due date or until another patron needs it and asks the library to recall it from you. If your book is recalled, the library sends you either an e-mail notice or paper letter informing you that the book had been recalled.

Although we hope all patrons will cooperate and return recalled materials promptly, we also realize that most patrons cannot just return a book they are in the middle of using. That's why recalled books are not due back at the library until two weeks after the recall is made. That is critical enough to be worth repeating: Recalled books are not due back at the library, and therefore will not accrue recall fines (which are $2 per day), until 14 days have passed since the other person recalled the book.

This same policy works for you when you need a book that someone else has checked out. So for the library's recall policy to serve you and all our patrons well, we are asking everyone to be willing to share books with each other and to know that what goes around comes around.

But what if you really still need the book for your thesis or other research? Well, you have two options. First, you can place a recall on the book and get the book back within two weeks. Second, you can ask our reference department for assistance. Reference staff can tell where other copies of the book can be obtained locally or through interlibrary loan.

So if a book is recalled from you, please return it as quickly as you can. If you need a book that someone else has, recall it online from the library, your home or your office. If you have any questions about this policy or how to place an online recall request, stop by Woodruff Circulation, call us at 404-727-6873 or send e-mail to <gencirch@libcat1.cc.emory.edu>.

John Salatti is circulation desk supervisor for Woodruff Library.

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