Emory Report

April 5, 1999

 Volume 51, No. 26

Issues in progress:

University Senate

With President Virgil Brown unable to attend, President-elect John Boli wielded the gavel March 23 in the Carlos Museum reception hall.

To open the meeting, Employee Council President Ron Foust introduced incoming president Ann Rouse, and Student Government Association President Chuck Divine introduced his successor, Matt Maron. Both outgoing presidents expressed their gratitude for being allowed to serve in the Senate during the past year.

President Bill Chace announced that former Secretary of Labor Robert Reich will deliver this year's commencement address. Chace then informed the Senate that Emory will not change its policy regarding matching retirement contributions for employees under age 26 until "powerful new evidence" surfaces. The issue is one of employee retention, he said, and anecdotal experience strongly suggests employees 25 and under are much less likely to remain at Emory for their entire careers.

Chace also said the University conducted a study comparing its retirement package to those of Atlanta's largest employers, both public and private, and Emory's benefits measured equal to all and superior to some. Foust thanked Chace for considering the Employee Council-sponsored issue so quickly.

The Senate held votes for new officers and also for recommendations for honorary degree recipients. Claire Sterk was chosen as president-elect for the 1999-00 year, and Robin Blaetz was elected secretary.

Boli presented a report on committee budgetary needs, studying the financial uses and requirements of both the Senate and Faculty Council's full-time and ad hoc committees. Gary Hauk said the Senate could pursue funding in one of two ways: either by proposing a line item be added to the University budget providing yearly funding for the groups, or by "queuing up" at the president's or provost's office for discretionary funding when the need arises.

Mary DeLong of the President's Commission on the Status of Women submitted for consideration a PCSW resolution recommending that "the establishment of additional quality, dependable child-care facilities become a top priority for the Emory administration, the campus master planners and the Division of Campus Life." After some discussion, the Senate voted unanimously to support the resolution as written.

In closing, Boli expressed the Senate's thanks for Foust's and Divine's year of service. The next University Senate meeting is April 20 at 3:15 p.m. at a location yet to be determined.

--Michael Terrazas

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