Emory Report

Feb. 15, 1999

 Volume 51, No. 20

Issues in progress:

President's Commission on the Status of Women

Members of the commission held an abbreviated Feb. 4 meeting so members could attend the Women's Center-sponsored Virginia Valian lecture, in which Commission Chair Mary DeLong participated.

A Java programmer is developing a revamped web site for the commission, DeLong reported at the meeting's beginning. She asked committees to recommend two liaisons each to the process and passed around a draft version of the site. DeLong said plans call to put an interactive version of the brochure up on the new web site.

She said she'd received a positive response to President Bill Chace's comments at the last meeting from women around campus, who'd heard of his visit by word of mouth and via Emory Report.

Neither the faculty concerns committee nor the staff concerns committee had met since the January PCSW meeting and had no reports.

Leigh Partington Tillman reported the student concerns committee had succeeded in getting the women's self-defense class incorporated into next fall's curriculum.

DeLong reminded members of the writing awards deadline of March 1. In closing, she noted that the Emory Wheel article on the child care resolution had received lots of "buzz" on campus. Mary Anne Lindskog said the issue had been mentioned at the Board of Trustees meeting earlier that day.

The commission's next meeting will be March 4 at 3:30 p.m. in 400 Administration Building.

--Stacey Jones

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