Emory Report

September 7 , 1999

 Volume 52, No. 3

Issues in progress

Employee Council

President Ann Rouse called the first meeting of the academic year to order Aug. 18 in Room 421 of the Goizueta Business School.

James Wilson and Alice Rolls gave a presentation on alternative philanthropic outlets to Emory's United Way campaign. Rolls, executive director of the Environmental Fund of Georgia, described the 22 environmental groups supported by her organization, which she said has the endorsement of Emory's Committee on the Environment. Rolls also talked about the Partnership for Choice in Giving, which supports the Georgia Black United Fund, Combined Health Appeal of Georgia and other groups. Rolls and Wilson then answered questions from council members.

Helen Harrison and Susan Lee were elected as council representatives to the University Senate, replacing Marcia Hendricks and Lynn Magee. Leeann Bausch may also vacate her Senate post; if so, an election will be held at the September meeting.

Alice Miller, vice president for human resources, addressed the council on changes to EmoryCare. She said EmoryChoice premiums are not expected to increase, and the program will be modified so that employees may go outside the main panel of doctors for a $25 co-payment. EmoryCare premiums are expected to increase by 15-20 percent, but the network will grow to include 2,500 providers, including all Atlanta hospitals.

In committee reports, Kathy Hovatter announced a Town Hall Meeting with President Bill Chace on Sept. 22 from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. in Winship Ballroom. She said the meeting with be a brown-bag luncheon, with the council providing drinks and dessert. Hovatter also asked members to submit to her topics for discussion.

Susan Cook of the special issues committee said a steering committee has been formed to deal with construction of two daycare centers, one at University Apartments and one near the existing Clifton center. Cook added that the P.E. Center responded to a request to consider payroll deductions for membership fees, and that such an event would be unlikely.

Lavon Gainey of the membership committee asked that council members contact her about how many brochures they need for constituents. She would also like information about which committees members serve on so she can update her database.

The next Employee Council meeting will be Sept. 15 at 2 p.m. in the Rita Rollins Room on the eighth floor of the School of Public Health.

--Dorothy Goodson and Michael Terrazas

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