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October 9, 2000

'Scholarship at Emory' theme for 2000-01

By Mike Terrazas

New President Claire Sterk opened the Sept. 26 meeting in Cox Hall by announcing the University Senate's theme for 2000-01: "Scholarship at Emory." Sterk discussed the many definitions of "scholarship" and stressed the importance of being responsible scholars. She added that the senate is the best place to debate scholarship because the body encompasses all of the University's constituents: students, faculty and staff.

In committee reports, Ruth Pagell said the Athletic Policy committee's goals for the year are to address student health insurance and sports injuries, gender equity and the possibility of adding women's crew as a varsity sport, and facilities issues.

Bridget Guernsey Riordan of the Campus Life committee said her group will focus on substance abuse problems, possibly through a regular column in The Emory Wheel.

Bill Size and the Committee on the Environment hope to put together a vegetation map of the Emory campus, so that the University may quantitatively measure changes in overall green space. Size also stessed the need for a chief environmental officer on campus.

Speaking for the Fringe Benefits committee, Sid Stein said his group will monitor federal legislation regarding retirement contributions and address the issue of faculty vacation time.

Judith Raggi Moore of the Honorary Degrees committee invited the senate, and the campus as whole, to send nominations for potential honorary degree recipients.

Provost Rebecca Chopp introduced to the senate Tom Arthur, interim vice provost for International Affairs. She also introduced Kim Loudermilk, who has come to the provost's office to help with the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools accreditation process.

President Bill Chace announced the opening of the University Apartments parking deck, and he said the area off Clairmont Road "will eventually be one of the most attractive areas of campus." Chace echoed Raggi Moore's solicitation for nominations with one of his own, inviting the Emory community to submit potential Commencement speakers to Secretary Gary Hauk.

In closing, Sterk stressed the need for improved attendance at senate meetings, as well as better communication with constituents.

The next University Senate meeting will be held Oct. 24 at 3:15 p.m. in the Jones Room of Woodruff Library.


If you have a question or concern for University Senate, send e-mail to Sterk at


Back to Emory Report Oct. 9, 2000