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December 10, 2001



ITD to heighten e-mail virus screening
On Friday, Dec. 21, Emory will introduce a new virus-scanning service for e-mail. The service will greatly enhance the University’s protection against the ongoing threat of viruses, worms and Trojan horses that proliferate on the Internet.

Administered by the Information Technology Division in cooperation with Network Communications, service will scan all external e-mail delivered from the Inter-net to University e-mail servers. Additional internal e-mail virus scanning will be available to those groups using “” as their outgoing mail service.

The scanning service will extend the virus protection already in place; users need do nothing new, but they should continue to use virus protection on desktops and servers.

For more information, contact the ITD security team at


Volunteers sought for sarcoidosis study
Researchers in the Sarcoidosis Genetic Analysis Center and the VA Hospital are seeking African American volunteers for a study of sarcoidosis, an inflammatory disease that causes microscopic lumps to form in nearly every organ of the body.

Volunteers must be at least 18 years of age and have a sibling who has been diagnosed with the disease. The study involves blood work, a medical exam and evaluation of the patient’s work habits and hobbies. Researchers also wish to test volunteers’ immediate family members.

Study investigators are the VA Hospital’s Samuel Aguayo and Grady Hospital’s Gloria Westney. Eligible volunteers wishing to participate should call 404-728-7635.


Holiday publication schedule
This is the last issue of Emory Report for the fall semester. ER will resume publication on Jan. 14, 2002. Copy deadline for the next issue is Jan. 4. Have a great winter break!


Back to Emory Report December 10, 2001