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December 3, 2001

New committee will explore A&S structures

By Michael Terrazas


Interim Provost Woody Hunter announced last week the formation of the new Strategic Planning Committee, which will review Emory’s institutional structures in the Arts & Sciences and form recommendations to President Bill Chace about what changes, if any, may be appropriate.

The committee, which will be cochaired by Hunter and anthropology Associate Professor Michelle Lampl, is made up of representatives from the administration (Bobby Paul and Gary Wihl), the Graduate Division of Biological and Biomedical Sciences (GDBBS; Bryan Noe and Keith Wilkinson) and Emory College (Catherine Caruth, Robyn Fivush, Michael Giles, George Jones, Jay Justice and John Sitter).

Hunter said the committee members will meet as soon as possible to get to know one another, but their substantive work will begin early next semester and will continue until they are comfortable with their recommendations. He expects the committee will form task forces to examine specific questions such as undergraduate education, the relationship of the graduate school to PhD programs in other schools, and the relationship between Arts & Sciences and the professional schools.

“There may be other issues that are identified which may require additional task forces, or the committee may decideto do its business another way,” Hunter said. “I invite affected faculty to make their views known to the committee, and I hope that we will have a lively, open dialogue on how best to organize the administrative structure of the Arts & Sciences at Emory.”

The committee was formed at the recommendation of the executive committees of both the college and the graduate school. Last spring, the two bodies appointed representatives to an ad hoc committee that studied how best to form the Strategic Planning Committee, then made their recommendations to Hunter early this fall.

It was decided the committee should include six faculty members from the college (two from each division), a faculty cochair and representatives from the GDBBS and administration. Emory College elected its six representatives in a two-part process, the first of which simply narrowed down the field of nominees (Hunter said he received more than 100 nominations for the six slots). The committee’s membership was finalized just before Thanksgiving.

“Although the time required was longer than anticipated, I am confident that the openness of the process was useful,” Hunter said. “The result was the election of an excellent group of faculty who represent a wide range of disciplines and perspectives.”


Back to Emory Report December 3, 2001