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January 16, 2001

Faculty survey still tops
PCSW agenda

By Stephanie Sonnenfeld

The Dec. 7 meeting of the President's Commission on the Status of Women began with the introduction of a new face.

Berky Abreu was introduced as the new representative for the Department of Women's Studies. Abreu comes to Emory after working at Columbia University for nine years.

Faculty concerns cochair Vicki Powers said the group is still facing problems in obtaining data for its faculty tenure study. The proposed study will compare the number of women faculty in each department (past and current) of the University, who is tenured, how long they stayed in each department and whether they've held administrative positions.

A big part of the problem is that, in many departments, no such data exist, Powers said. "[This information] seems like something Emory would want to have," she said.
Powers suggested PCSW draft a letter to each department head, urging them to submit information and explaining the importance of the study. But, once the information is collected, compiling and analyzing it is another problem.

PCSW chair Deb Floyd suggested the committee find a facilitator to help outline the project. Chair-elect Kathy Reed posed the idea of drafting the help of non-PCSW members to gather and sort data.

Other suggestions included sending a letter from President Bill Chace endorsing the study and hiring a graduate student to help sort information. Powers said she would present the ideas to her committee.

Allison Adams, reporting for staff concerns chair Karen Fain, told members the committee was making a list of interview contacts for its flexible work schedule study. She said she hopes to have most of the data compiled by January.

Members of the student concerns committee reported a successful turnout for the Emory Women's Alliance tea held in November. Law student Jill Uiberall announced the cell phone collection for battered women was under way and said an e-mail was sent to the entire student body explaining the project. Committee chair Liz Stiles said she met with residential life director Brit Katz and presented requests for same-sex, upper-class dorms.

Plans also are under way for the PCSW's annual spring event, Deb Floyd said. She reminded members that Chace will be attending the February PCSW meeting.

The next meeting of the PCSW will be Feb.1 at 3:30 p.m. in 400 Administration.

If you have a question or concern for PCSW, contact chair Deb Floyd at



Back to Emory Report Jan. 16, 2001