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July 9, 2001

Last month, a group of 12 Emory students, faculty and staff ventured to Bolivia to take part in one of the University’s Journeys of Reconciliation. University Photography’s Kay Hinton was on hand to document the trip.

“The Bolivian photo assignment was an exciting and daunting task. How does one stay focused on documenting the work of your eleven companions when you are surrounded with such beauty and kindness? The people of Ambana supplied the quick answer. They embraced us and ignored the camera. A blessing for any photographer,” Hinton said.


Emory team members in front of Lake Titicaca. (L-R) Heidi Berger, Walter Escobar, Catherine Chisnoll, Charlie Saltalamcchia, Lauren Cogswell, Janet Irizarry, Charlene Jean-Pierre, Shauna Alexander, Jesse Turner, Mary Sue Brookshire and Stephen Weyer.
Shoes made of tires worn by schoolgirls.
A villager throws flower petals on Mary Sue Brookshire of the Emory Ethics Center in a “thank you” celebration in Ambana.
Families waiting for a visit from the rural doctor.
Target patient patients are 6 and younger.
Morning as seen from a street in Ambana.
Emory students tear down the old clinic building brick by brick. They then rebuilt the clinic. From top to bottom, Jesse Turner, Janet Irizarry and Stephen Weyer.



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