Emory Report
November 15, 2004
Volume 57, Number 12


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November 15, 2004
PCSW reviews varied committee activities

BY Katherine Baust

At the Nov. 4 meeting of the President’s Commission on the Status of Women (PCSW), Chair Susan Gilbert proposed a meeting date change from the first Thursday to the third Thursday of the month in order to review and comment on agenda items at University Senate meetings. It was unanimously approved and will be effective as of January.

Guest speaker Alice Miller, vice president for Human Resources (HR), addressed the commission about Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) changes and Emory’s compliance. Miller said HR reviewed 150 (out of 1,500) job titles and determined some 40 job titles (about 800 University employees, 850 counting Emory Hospital) would be affected. Administrators and/or committees are reviewing the changes and making case-by-case recommendations; this month an external consultant also will review the changes. In December, Miller said, final determinations will be communicated to the affected individuals by their supervisors.

Gilbert updated members on the gender equity report, which examines the hiring of women faculty along with attrition and salaries by gender in the School of Medicine. She said the study is now complete and does reflect a salary gap based on gender. Gilbert will submit the report to President Jim Wagner with recommendations, but the study will not be published because salaries could be recognizable.

Staff concerns chair Susan Carini said the committee has hosted brown bag lunches about the FLSA changes, and it also is trying to find designated locations for mothers to nurse infants other than in the Center for Women and the nursing school. Finally, Carini said, the committee continues to monitor the progress of the Mentor Emory program.

Student concerns chair Bennett Hilley proposed that alternate student member Katy Crowther change her status to full time, and the commission unanimously approved. Crowther reported the group is investigating the retention of women students in the sciences and may conduct a survey. In addition, the committee is looking into creating a mentoring program between graduate and undergraduate students.

Women in leadership chair Allison Dykes said the committee is working on two letters to submit to Wagner. The first will formally ask that women be considered in searches for open senior-level positions, and the second will ask him to appoint a woman to the President’s Cabinet. The group also is working on a proposal that would send two women a year to a Summer Institute for Women in Higher Education Administration at Bryn Mawr College in Pennsylvania.

Center for Women Director Ali Crown reminded everyone that the deadline for Unsung Heroine Awards nominees is Nov. 15.

The next PCSW meeting will be Thursday, Dec. 2, at 4 p.m. in 400 Administration.

If you have a question or comment for PCSW, e-mail chair Susan Gilbert at susan_gilbert@bus.emory.edu.