Emory Report
October 25, 2004
Volume 57, Number 9


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October 25 , 2004
Campus planning meetings this week

Emory’s campus planners will hold a series of three town hall meetings on Tuesday and Wednesday, Oct. 26 and 27, to explain progress on the University’s Campus Plan Update 2004 (CPU4) and discuss capital projects.

Upcoming projects and considerations include the Emory Village roundabout; new buildings for the School
of Medicine and Candler School of Theology; a new complex for sorority lodges; and Sodexho’s planned expansion of food service facilities.

Also on the agenda are discussions about Emory Hospital and its future needs; various campus housing projects scheduled in next two years; CPU4’s guiding principles related to building design, sustainability and environmental responsibility; and the need to synthesize the various ongoing aspects of University planning.

The meetings will be held on Oct. 26 from 4–5:30 p.m., and on Oct. 27 from 4–5:30 p.m. and again from 6:30–8 p.m. All meetings will cover the same material and will be held in 206 White Hall. For more information about CPU04, visit www.fm.emory.edu/campusplan.