Emory Report
October 25, 2004
Volume 57, Number 9


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October 25 , 2004
Online guide explains FM services to campus

Debbie moyers is director of resource planning for facilities management

Have you ever needed to have a new key made for your office? A light bulb replaced, or a bookcase moved? If so, you probably had to ask someone in your department or administrative unit how to go about acquiring these services. Now this information is readily available online through the Facilities Management (FM) website (www.fm. emory.edu) by clicking on the “Guide to Services” link.

“[FM] has had this information available on our website for several years,” said Bob McMains, director of maintenance operations. “However our customers wanted something that was easily accessible and more condensed: a simple reference guide describing the types of services we provide through the basic education and general budget allocation—in contrast to those services they must pay for out of their annual operating budgets.”

That is what the “Guide To Services” provides. Early in September, FM posted the guide in draft form on its website, then asked Emory’s business officers, including representatives from the hospitals and clinics, to review the information and make recommendations on topics they thought were missing or needed clarification.

One idea was to explain how FM prioritizes work requests, either as emergencies, urgent, routine or preventive maintenance. Another was to describe more fully “maintenance painting” and how often it occurs; yet another was to explain who maintains access-control systems on campus. After receiving this very valuable input, FM incorporated the suggestions, and the online guide is now available in its final form.

The table of contents breaks the information into three main categories: (1) General Information, (2) Maintenance and Operations, and (3) Planning and Construction. The first section explains what constitutes billable and non-billable services. Within this section, readers can choose among five different ways to submit a work request; FM is a 24/7 operation, and customers can submit work requests at anytime.

The newest and most popular way is to use the online customer request form available at www.fm.emory.edu/form/CSForm.cfm. However, before submitting a work request, FM encourages individuals when feasible to touch base with the facility coordinators or contact persons within their respective buildings or departments. These individuals work with FM regularly and know the operating service procedures very well.

Another important part of general information is a description of how to access invoice and billing information online. Through the FM website, customers can click on invoices under the “Customer Information” header. They will be asked to sign in (using their network ID and password), then they can obtain service invoice information by invoice number or by account.

Within the maintenance and operations section, customers will find information on carpentry services, plumbing, recycling, staging and waste management, to name just a few. There also is a section about building services, which provides custodial services to the campus.

The project management, campus planning and interior design sections explain what is available to the campus for capital construction and small renovation projects. Campus planning ensures that buildings are designed for functionality, in accordance with campus design guidelines and all relevant building codes. Project management ensures that jobs are completed on time and on budget while protecting the University’s interest.

It is FM’s plan to update this guide at least twice per year,with major revisions in February and minor revisions in July. The division encourages all customers to review the guide and provide feedback. Please forward comments to FM’s customer service department at csc@fmd.emory.edu.