Emory Report
April 11, 2005
Volume 58, Number 26


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April 11, 2005
PCORE reviews climate survey improvement

BY katherine baust

The President’s Commission on Race and Ethnicity (PCORE) met Tuesday, March 29, in 400 Administration.
Chair Chris Grey reported that President Jim Wagner asked that all commission chairs meet with Del King, senior director of Human Resources, and Provost Earl Lewis to hear the climate survey results. Wagner said he would meet with the administrative council the next day to decide how to communicate the results.

Therefore, he asked that the survey results not be presented at the PCORE meeting, as was previously planned. Guest speakers King and SurveyNet’s Kevin Nolan discussed how the survey could be improved for the next time it is administered.

King opened the discussion by saying he was happy with the breakdown of respondents and that they were representative of the University.

Nolan said the survey had a 39 percent response rate, which is considered high for a first-time distribution. He said reports will be given to each of the 21 units and quartile scores have been created so the units can see how they rate respectively. Significant differences among the units have been highlighted, and the number of comments was very high.

Regarding communication of the survey results, Nolan recommended that an HR representative meet with each unit to explain the data. He also recommended conducting focus groups if data in certain units seems unclear.

The commission used the first half of the meeting to edit the bylaws as a group, which will be finalized at the next meeting. Grey stressed that attendance is imperative because a quorum is necessary to finalize the bylaws.

Grey also announced that undergraduate acceptance letters went out, and Emory College saw the second largest number of African Americans and the largest number of Hispanic recruitment rates to date.

The next PCORE meeting is scheduled for Monday, April 25, from 3–5 p.m. in 400 Administration.

If you have a question or concern for PCORE, e-mail Grey at pcore@emory.edu.