Emory Report
April 11, 2005
Volume 58, Number 26


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April 11, 2005
Keller to keynote CSC luncheon

BY Katherine baust

George Keller, an education consultant, writer and longtime academic administrator, will speak at the 2005 Spring Luncheon, sponsored by the College Staff Consortium (CSC), on Thursday, April 14, at 11:30 a.m in Cox Hall Rooms 3 and 4.

“We usually have someone on campus as the speaker, but this year I wanted to do something different,” said CSC chair Tracy Allen, administrative assistant in the Institute for Liberal Arts (ILA). “I thought bringing someone from the outside would be a good idea. I saw [Keller] once at a conference and thought he was a phenomenal speaker.”

Keller is a scholar of higher education, noted strategic planner and award-winning editor. He is a graduate of Columbia University, where he also served as a faculty member in political science and as college dean. He has worked as assistant to the chancellor of the State University of New York (SUNY) system and to the president of the University of Maryland. His most recent post was the chair of at the University of Pennsylvania’s Graduate School of Education.

Keller has authored more than 100 articles and reviews, and has lectured at several universities and national conferences. His 1983 book, Academic Revolution: The Management Revolution in American Higher Education, was named in two polls of college educators (in The New York Times and Change magazines) as the “most influential book of the decade.” He also served as the editor of the Planning for Higher Education journal from 1990–97. Keller has also been a consultant for more than 90 colleges and universities in the United States and abroad. His most recent book, Transforming a College, was published in 2004.

The Dean’s Enrichment Award, which provides personal or professional enrichment funds to college employees, will be presented to four recipients by college Dean Bobby Paul. The Employee of the Year Award, based on job performance, interpersonal skills and service to the community, also will be presented.

Lunch will be provided; the event is open to all Emory College staff members, but reservations are required. RSVP to Terry Legge at tlegge@emory.edu.