Emory Report
December 12, 2005
Volume 58, Number 14


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December 12 , 2005
PCORE hears about science diversity program

BY Katherine Baust Lukens

To open the President’s Commission on Race and Ethnicity’s (PCORE) Dec. 5 meeting, held in 400 Administration, Chair Donna Wong introduced Pat Marsteller, director of the Emory College Center for Science Education, who discussed diversity in the sciences, and the success of the submission of a collaborative mini-grant, “Seeding Commitments to Diversity: Disseminating Effective Retention and Mentoring Programs,” shared among Emory, Williams College, Harvard and more than 15 other institutions.

The grant will support three symposia that will bring together faculty and administrators from institutions committed to diversity among undergraduate and graduate science students. Marsteller helped collect data and develop a website for the program, which so far has been centered at Harvard. She requested that PCORE endorse the project’s mission and help it grow beyond the sciences. “I would like to extend our call to other disciplines as well,” said Marsteller. PCORE agreed to support the program, and Wong said her goal is to hold a symposium at Emory in the next few years to discuss progress at the participating institutions. Along with Marstellar, Robert Brown, assistant dean of the college, and Karama Neal, program associate for program administration, also attended to discuss the project.

In committee reports, faculty concerns chair Hillary Ford said her group has met with African American faculty to hear their concerns and will write a report for the president and provost. In the previous month, it had met with Hispanic faculty.

Special projects chair Jennifer Crabb said she was planning the upcoming spring brown bag, following up on last year’s Campus Climate Survey, jointly sponsored with the other president’s commissions and Human Resources.

Professional development fund chair Vanda Hudson reported the fund had received 23 applications for its professional development grants, including some from staff members.

Wong announced the executive committee approved a proposal to co-sponsor a student cultural program, LUNAR Banquet 2006.

The next PCORE meeting will be held Jan. 30 at 3 p.m. in 400 Administration. The guest speaker will be Provost Earl Lewis.

If you have a question or concern for PCORE, e-mail Chair Donna Wong at dmwong@emory.edu.