Emory Report
May 9, 2005
Volume 57, Number 30


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May 9, 2005
PCSW wraps up 2004-05 ‘turnaround’ year

BY christi gray

The final meeting of 2004–05 for the President’s Commission on the Status of Women (PCSW), held Thursday, April 28, at 4 p.m. in the Goizueta Business School, capped a full year of commission accomplishments. Provost Earl Lewis attended and gave remarks.

Susan Gilbert, outgoing chair, opened the meeting and called for a vote on two pending bylaw changes. The changes called for a representative from the Office of Sexual Assault Education and a representative from Emeritus College be recognized as ex-officio members to the commission. Both changes were approved. Also, a final vote was taken to approve the new slate of 2005–06 officers.

Next, each committee chair gave a presentation highlighting the accomplishments of the past year:

• Staff Concerns Committee, Susan Carini: Handing off the Mentor Emory program to Human Resources, bringing the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) to the forefront of University discussion, and continuing work on adding lactation facilities around campus.

• Committee on Sexual Assault, Leslie Campis: Placing University sexual assault statistics on the commission listserv, increasing sexual assault education and awareness (especially among Greeks), and continuing work on a program for parent awareness.

• Leadership Committee, Allison Dykes: Completion of the American Association of University Professors gender equity study, launching a campaign concerning lack of diverse representation on the President’s cabinet and receiving funding for two Emory to attend the premiere women in leadership program HERS.

• Faculty Concerns Committee, Sally Gouzoules: Completing a report on salary equity in the School of Medicine, a completed survey on the FMLA, and continuing work on initiating more family-friendly University policies.

Gilbert thanked commission members for their hard work. “Great universities have strong women’s commissions, which is something we realized this year and worked toward,” Gilbert said.
She then listed some goals for next year. Recommendations include helping to foster a safer, more respectful environment for young women to live and learn at Emory; adopting more polices and programs that facilitate advancement of female faculty and staff; and becoming more diverse by adding to the commission more women of color and men.

Gilbert then handed over leadership to the incoming 2005–06 Chair Allison Dykes. “This has been a real turnaround year for PCSW, and Susan has left a great mark,” Dykes said.

Lewis’ remarks closed the meeting. He responded to concerns about the open senior vice provost position, saying, “We are considering diversity when looking at candidates.” Then he touched on Universitywide gender equity. “We need to figure out where we fit in the university world in terms of equity,” said Lewis, who suggested a series of forums to examine the subject.

Orientation for 2005–06 PCSW members will be in September.

If you have questions or concerns for PCSW, e-mail Chair Allison Dykes at allison.dykes@emory.edu.