Emory Report
December 11, 2006
Volume 59, Number 14




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December 11 , 2006
Vanpooling hits news heights

Earlier this year, Emory surpassed the goal set by the Clifton Corridor Transportation Management Association by creating 31 vanpools with 372 participants; the goal set by CCTMA for 2006 was 25 total vanpools. Since Emory’s vanpool program was founded in 2003, it continues to exceed expectations by recruiting new members.

Emory’s anticipated parking rate increase in 2007 is a major catalyst for the increase in vanpool participation. “Presently, the CCTMA has 31 vanpools operating in 10 metro Atlanta counties. That’s an increase from 18 vanpools one year ago,” said Laura Ray, associate vice president for transportation and parking for Emory.
Emory’s vanpool program targets employees who do not use public transportation and who are seeking the added benefits that vanpooling offers. Vanpool participants agree to meet in a central location, such as a mall parking lot, and commute to campus from there. As an incentive, Emory pays a monthly subsidy ($51) for each vanpool and provides a free reserved parking space based on the work location of the vanpool’s primary driver.

A vanpool is identified as a group of seven to 15 commuters who live and work in the same area, have similar work hours and share the commute in a leased van. A minimum of three vanpool members must register to drive the van and the operating cost of the vanpool is shared among the vanpool members. The entire group enjoys the savings of sharing expenses and the convenience of sharing a ride.

For commuters with unexpected emergencies, Emory has a Guaranteed Ride Home program. This program is designed to provide commuters participating in alternative transportation programs with a ride to either park-n-ride lots or directly home. To register for these programs, please call 404-727-1829 or visit www.187ridefind.com.