Emory Report
February 13, 2006
Volume 58, Number 19


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February 13, 2006
Lewis listens to PCORE strategy for inclusiveness

BY Christi Gray

The President’s Commission on Race and Ethnicity (PCORE) welcomed Provost Earl Lewis to its Jan. 30 meeting, held in 400 Administration. Lewis answered questions concerning Emory’s plan to improve diversity on campus.

Chair Donna Wong said student enrollment and retention, financial aid for minority students, faculty and staff retention and recruitment, and faculty and staff professional development are the prominent concerns of PCORE in relation to diversifying Emory and striving for an inclusive, destination university.

Lewis said a committee has been formed to look at minority-student financial aid and how it relates to enrollment and retention. “We want to be strategic in how we disperse financial aid,” Lewis said. “We need to diversify the pool and make it possible for all students to get the aid they need.”

Latino student enrollment at Emory is very low and it’s a priority of the provost’s office to recruit more Latinos, Lewis said. A strategy hasn’t been determined to reach this goal, but two planned tactics are hiring more Latino recruiters in admissions and revamping Emory’s Website to include a Spanish version, making the site easier for Spanish-speaking parents to navigate.

A work-life task force has been formed to tackle faculty and staff concerns, such as professional development and work-life issues. Lewis said recruiting and retaining distinguished faculty and staff remains a priority. One incentive being explored is a partner-spouse hiring program. “My goal is to have a partner-spouse plan in place in the next year, “ he said.

In committee reports, special projects chair Jennifer Crabb reported that a spring brown bag devoted to following up on Emory’s 2004 Campus Climate Survey will be held March 9 at noon in Winship Ballroom.

Professional development fund chair Vanda Hudson reported 15 professional development grants were given to faculty and staff, totaling $4,850.

Faculty concerns is exploring the need for a faculty mentor and tenure assistance program. They have scheduled a focus group with Asian American faculty this month and are exploring ways to improve new faculty orientations.

Staff concerns reported they are working with Senior Director of Human Resources Del King to create a synergy between the Office of Equal Opportunity Programs (EOP) and HR, specifically in the area of discrimination complaints.

Student concerns raised an inquiry about a Korean studies program. Wong explained that there are promising pathways to establishing a program in partnership with South Korea.

Finally, it was announced that nominations are open to PCORE with the need to fill two faculty, one staff and seven student positions. Details are posted at www.pcore.emory.edu.

The next PCORE meeting will be held Feb. 27 at 3 p.m. in 400 Administration. The guest speaker will be Admissions Director Dan Walls.


If you have a question or concern for PCORE, e-mail Chair Donna Wong at dmwong@emory.edu.