Emory Report
October 2, 2006
Volume 59, Number 6


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October 2, 2006
Around Campus

Work-Life forum online
President Jim Wagner commissioned the Work-Life Initiative task force as part of the cross-cutting strategic theme, creating community and engaging society.

The task force, charged to consider ways to enhance the work, health and well-being and family life within Emory’s academic setting, is made up of faculty, staff and students. The task force has developed an online forum for the wider Emory community to provide feedback on work-life issues.

The forum requires an Emory sign-in and password and allows users to post and read comments. For more information about the forum, visit www.admin.emory.edu/StrategicPlan/WorkLife/.

Call for honorary degree nominations
The Honorary Degrees Committee is soliciting nominations for 2008 honorary degree recipients. The degrees will be awarded during commencement in May.

The deadline for submitting nominations is Nov. 3. For more information, visit www.emory.edu/SECRETARY/HonoraryDegrees/index.html.

University Research Committee proposal deadline Oct. 16
The University Research Committee is now accepting proposals from faculty in biological and health sciences, humanities, math and natural sciences, social sciences, and visual and performing arts.

The deadline for submissions is Oct. 16. To apply online and for more information, visit www.urc.emory.edu or call 404-727-7503.