Emory Report
January 22, 2007
Volume 59, Number 16

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January 22 , 2007
Around Campus

Emory docs offer training tips for ING Georgia Marathon
Emory Healthcare is sponsoring training events and informational seminars led by Emory physicians to help marathon participants prepare for the ING Georgia Marathon and Half Marathon on March 25. Contact Kelly Frazer Reynolds at 404-778-7753 for more information.

Injury Prevention and Race Day Tips
Saturday, Feb. 3, 1 p.m.
Ken Maunter, Emory orthopedist, finisher of 2006 ING New York City Marathon, presenting. REI Atlanta, 1800 NE Expressway.

Saturday, March 3, 1 p.m.
Brandon Mines, Emory orthopedist and Emory athletic trainer, presenting.
Dick’s Sporting Goods, 3535 Peachtree Rd.

CCP hosts two meetings in January

The Clifton Community Partnership is having two community meetings at Druid Hills High School on Friday, Jan. 26, from 6:30 to 9 p.m. and on Saturday, Jan. 27, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Attendees will exchange ideas that will reshape streetscapes along Clifton Road and part of North Decatur Road.

URC funding proposals due Feb. 15
Thursday, Feb. 15 is the last day faculty may submit a funding proposal to the University Research Committee. URC awards have helped faculty secure external grants, publish books and papers, write plays, and show their artistic talents through music, paintings and photography. Decisions will be announced in May.

For guidelines and more information, visit www.urc.emory.edu/.

Emory vies for recycling crown in RecycleMania competition

Starting Jan. 27, Emory will compete in RecycleMania, an initiative aimed at boosting recycling awareness while also encouraging conservation.

Emory, the only school in Georgia to participate, has joined campus recycling programs across the country in a competition to see who can collect the most recyclable materials while curbing the level of trash. Over a 10-week period, campuses compete in different contests to see which institution can collect the largest amount of recyclables per capita, the largest amount of total recyclables and the least amount of trash per capita.
In its second year of participation, Emory is competing in two categories: the Per Capita Classic, in which the school that collects the most recyclables wins; and the Waste Minimization competition, which focuses on overall waste reduction. Schools will compete to see who can generate the lowest waste per capita, which includes both trash and recycling.

During the competition, which ends April 7, weekly results will be posted on the RecycleMania Web site, www.recyclemaniacs.org. For more information, contact Claire Wall at Emory Recycles, 404-712-8921.