Emory Report
June 25, 2007
Volume 59, Number 33

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June 25, 2007
Novel-writing contest aimed at Emory’s aspiring authors

by kim Urquhart

Emory’s Creative Writing Program, in conjunction with faculty member Neil Shulman, is sponsoring a University-centered contest for would-be novelists. All members of the Emory family, including staff, faculty, current students, alumni and members of Emory Friends organizations, are eligible to participate in the competition, which will result in publication of the winning novel.

Authorship of the novels to be entered in the contest can include up to two collaborators. Writers who have already published a book-length work of literary fiction, non-fiction or poetry are not eligible to enter. To register go to: www.cradiance.com.

Entrants must submit, via cradiance.com, at least 30 and up to 50 pages of their manuscripts by Feb. 1, 2008. Ten finalists will be announced April 2 and will have two weeks to submit completed manuscripts of their novel by April 16. Winners will be announced in mid to late May.

The prize for the contest will be publication of the novel; all rights will remain property of the author. One hundred printed copies of the novel will be part of the writer’s prize.

“There are so many would-be novelists out there. This will give them the impetus they need,” said Jim Grimsley, director of Emory’s Creative Writing Program and senior resident fellow in creative writing.

Shulman, author of “Doc Hollywood,” said he hopes to inspire others to write and that this contest provides an opportunity to do so. “Everyone has a table of contents inside them that can add to the knowledge of the world,” said Shulman, associate professor in the School of Medicine whose book and Web site “Get Between the Covers” offers tips and resources for writers.