Emory Report
March 26, 2007
Volume 59, Number 24

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March 26, 2007
Actress, human rights activist Mia Farrow to speak at Class Day

by Beverly clark

Actress and youth advocate Mia Farrow will talk with Emory seniors during the school’s fifth annual Class Day, scheduled for May 10 in Glenn Memorial Auditorium. As a successful actress, devoted mother and committed spokeswoman for children, Farrow has most recently turned her attention to the ongoing humanitarian crisis in the Darfur region of Sudan.

“We are thrilled to have Mia Farrow as our Class Day speaker. We feel that she is a great fit for the Class of 2007 both because of her experience as a human rights crusader and as an actress. Her fight against genocide in Sudan and Eastern Chad will bring an incredible perspective to the graduating class as an example of perseverance, bravery and standing up for what is right,” said Nicole Anderson, an Emory senior who headed the student committee to select the speaker.

Farrow grew up in Hollywood as the daughter of actress Maureen O’Sullivan and writer/director John Farrow. She went on to earn her own stellar list of credentials, acting in more than two dozen movies including such classics as “Rosemary’s Baby,” “The Great Gatsby” and “Hannah and Her Sisters.” The mother of 14 children — 10 of whom are adopted — Farrow now devotes her life to humanitarian efforts and the care of her family.

Class Day at Emory is an event students and administrators developed together to give undergraduates their own tradition and the opportunity to hear from a well-known speaker of their choice. The University’s central commencement ceremonies will be Monday, May 14 and will feature a keynote address by internationally-renowned physician, anthropologist and global health advocate Paul Farmer.

The winners of the Boisfeuillet Jones Medals, given in honor of one of Emory’s most distinguished graduates, also will be announced during Class Day ceremonies. Recipients are selected for their good citizenship, outstanding leadership, devoted service to Emory and the community, academic performance and potential to effect positive change in their chosen profession and society at large. The fourth annual Brit Katz Senior Appreciation Award will be given on behalf of the senior class to an Emory administrator or staff member.

Class Day is the first of three events for seniors held on the Thursday before commencement. At the Class of 2007 reception from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at the Emory Conference Center Hotel, seniors will offer the traditional Coca-Cola toast. Following the reception, graduating seniors will take part in a ceremonial candlelight walk across the Houston Mill Road pedestrian bridge to Emory’s Miller-Ward Alumni House for dessert and entertainment.