Emory Report
October 29, 2007
Volume 60, Number 9

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October 29, 2007
Around campus

Gala to benefit Atlanta’s visiting health community
On Saturday, Nov. 3, Villa International Atlanta will be host its third annual Viva Villa Gala Auction at The Carter Center.

Proceeds from the event will support Villa International’s mission to provide an affordable, convenient “home away from home” for members of the international health community who have come for short-term study or research at Emory and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Tickets are $75 each. For more information visit, www.villa-atl.org.

Downtime scheduled for IT Data Center upgrade
From midnight to 6 a.m. on Sunday, Nov. 4, there will be a required power outage for the North Decatur Building Data Center. The outage will affect production systems and services for both Emory University and Emory Healthcare.

For more information and a list of affected services, visit http://it.emory.edu/news.

President’s Task Force on Mental Health seeks input
About one in five families in the United States is affected by a mental disorder. These disorders, which include anxiety and depression, can interfere with a person’s professional and personal well-being.

Emory recognizes the need for quality mental health care. As a result, the President’s Mental Health Task Force is seeking input from students, faculty and staff in focus groups to discuss recommendations to President Jim Wagner regarding mental health care at Emory.

Faculty and staff wishing to participate in these important focus groups are asked to call the Faculty Staff Assistance Program to reserve a space in one of the sessions, which will be held from Nov. 1 to Nov. 15.
To register and for more information, contact the FSAP at 404-727-4328.

Borrow-a-bike program now offered
Bike Emory kicks off its bicycle loaner program with free bikes near the security station in Peavine Parking Deck on Eagle Row. Drop by and sign out a bike to get around campus (riders will need to show Emory I.D. and bring a helmet). Look for additional loaner bike locations coming soon to the DUC, Plaza 1000 at 1762 Clifton Rd. and Emory’s Oxford campus. Visit bike.emory.edu for more details.

Brown bag discussion to tackle immigration issues On Monday, Nov. 5, Emory Senior Vice Provost for Community and Diversity Ozzie Harris and a panel of experts will lead a brown bag lunch discussion on immigration — from ethical questions, to legal ramifications, historical perspectives and societal impact. The panel will reflect on the impact of immigration on campus, as well as local and global communities.

The discussion will be held from noon to 1 p.m. in the Jones Room of the Woodruff Library. Participants should bring a brown bag lunch; dessert and drinks will be provided.

Wear a costume to campus to win a prize
The Student Government Association, in collaboration with the University Senate, the Employee Council and the Emory Alumni Association, encourages all members of the Emory community to come to Emory next Wednesday, Oct. 31 in costume for Halloween.

Costumed individuals and curious observers are invited to assemble at the traffic circle at Asbury Circle at or before 5pm that day. A panel will review the costumes and award prizes to the best-costumed individuals in the categories of student, staff, faculty, alum and administrator.

Symposium to explore digital collaborations
The Digital Scholarship-Digital Libraries Symposium, on Friday, Nov. 5 from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., will explore emerging synergies among university faculty members and librarians who are jointly expressing knowledge in innovative ways through digital scholarship and library systems.

Symposium topics will include the transformational impact of digital media on scholarly communication; the roles that digital library systems undertake to build and sustain our scholarly cyberinfrastructure; and strategies for successful collaboration among faculty, librarians and technologists.

Keynote speaker Geoffrey Rockwell of McMaster University is a leading Canadian researcher in electronic text analysis. Rockwell also is a project leader of the Text Analysis Portal for Research.

Registration is $200, and includes breakfast and lunch. For more information, visit www.metascholar.org/events/2007/dsdl.