Campus News

May 3, 2010

Campaign Emory

Helping hospitals help patients

Gifts totalling nearly $200,000 from volunteer groups at Emory University Hospital and Emory University Hospital Midtown will help improve patient- and family-centered care at the hospitals.

A generous gift from the Emory University Hospital Auxiliary will enable the renovation of the waiting rooms in the hospital’s intensive care unit, giving friends and family members of Emory ICU patients a more comfortable and comforting place to pass time while visiting their loved ones.

The auxiliary presented a check for $143,000 to hospital CEO Robert Bachman for the renovation of the hospital’s 5EICU waiting rooms. The renovation will include new paint, furniture, art, and lamps and will improve the waiting rooms where family and friends of ICU patients often spend weeks during the patients’ recovery.

The gift supports Emory Healthcare’s commitment to evidence-based design and patient- and family-centered care, which has proven that critically ill patients recover more quickly and more successfully with the love, support, and presence of friends and family members.

“Through the incredible hard work and generosity of the Emory Hospital Auxiliary, we can better support the family members who team with our physicians and nurses in providing care to our patients,” Bachman says.

The Emory University Hospital Auxiliary members have a 50-year tradition of volunteer service, including raising money to ensure that the hospital environment is welcoming and helps speed recovery. Since 1990, the group has raised and donated more than $1.6 million for the hospital.

In other campaign news, Emory University Hospital Midtown Auxiliary gave $50,000 to that hospital’s Medical/Surgical Patient and Family Services Fund. The gift will enable the hospital to give patients the items they need for mobility and recovery, including walkers, crutches, and other equipment not covered by most insurance policies.

The EUHM Auxiliary, whose mission is to make a difference for patients and their families both during their hospital stays and after they’ve gone home, was established as the Crawford Long Women’s Auxiliary after World War II.

These gifts are part of Campaign Emory, a $1.6 billion fund-raising endeavor that combines private support and Emory’s people, places, and programs to make a powerful contribution to the world. Investments through Campaign Emory fuel efforts to address fundamental challenges: transforming health and healing, gaining ground in science and technology, resolving conflict, harnessing the power of the arts, and educating the heart and mind.

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